Cadaver Courses - Human Cadaver Course



May 6th – 7th, 2011, Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to welcome to the first hands-on rhinoplasty cadaver course “ The nose of Cleopatra – A rhinoplasty course”, held on May 6th-8th, 2011 at the Semmelweis University in Budapest.

This course is a unique hands-on experience. It offers opportunity for each participant to learn a full spectrum of rhinoplasty techniques in a step-by-step fashion. Each participant will then actually perform these procedures on freshly frozen cadavers under the supervision of the course instructors.

We hope that your experiences with us will result in the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and understanding which will translate into an improvement in the care that you are able to give your patients

We also hope the you will enjoy your stay in Budapest, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe!

With kind regards,


Krisztian Nagy MD DMD

Maurice Y. Mommaerts MD DMD PhD
Immediate Past President of the European Association of
Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery

Tibor Glasz MD PhD


Cadaver courses - Human Cadaver Course
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